There he stands. Dressed in red and white. He is black and strong. A warrior. He walks, unmarked, through the flame, he beats the drum. Virile. Lover and protector is he. Disguised as a woman, fair skinned, holy, sainted. He lives on. She is with him. Hips swaying. She moves. Dancing. Dancing to his drums….
Drugging Einstein
What if ADD and dyslexia are not disabilities? What if they are actually abilities and only labeled as such because the “normal” (neuro-typical) brain is in greater abundance and simply does not understand the spatial nature of a dyslexic mind nor speed of a brain with ADD? ADD’ers and dyslexics are non linear, intuitive learners…
“The Red Speck” Giveaway
Hello All! If you subscribe to my blog anytime between today and November 26th you are automatically registered to win a signed copy of “The Red Speck”. Here’s hoping you enjoy psycho / sexual / metaphysical / allegory. Who doesn’t? 😉 oxox, S
The Feeling
There are no words to describe it really. I can only speak of the feeling. It starts deep within me at the base of my spine and spreads upward with a warmth and tingling, throbbing even. Up to my belly it goes. Hot, aching, reaching my heart. Down my arms into my hands; alive with…
Spacy Stacy
I was smiling. I didn’t want to smile, nor laugh. But there I was, smiling and laughing like an idiot. They thought it was hilarious. “Put it on, put it on!” I was ten and obliged. I walked to the bathroom with my shame, to put “it” on. Why didn’t I like it? It was…
Amazon Reviews of The Red Speck
Reviews are coming in and I continue to be genuinely taken aback. Below are a few for your perusal. Thank you all so much for the money you spent in buying the book, your time spent reading and reviewing it, and most of all your thoughtful consideration. I am beyond grateful. 5.0 out of…
She was dead. So well loved was she. Still, one vulture came repeatedly, to pick over the corpse. The old man called, “Come quickly, she’s taking everything of value.” She could not go. She could not participate. What the old woman wanted her to have, she placed lovingly in her hand, days before death came…
The scorpion stings, the snake tempts and the eagle guides us. Seven tasks, seven rewards, and seven angels. All in threes. Evolution. Venus the star of the morning, the necessary evil. She who put the sword in the girl’s hand, the crown on her head. Empowering her to cut away the cobwebs and self doubt….
I Am She
She used to be me. That is, I used to be she. I have since unzipped and stepped out of her skin, quite literally. I could not speak of her then, as I could never, ever, see, the massive forest for the surrounding trees. She was the walking wounded. The prey. Or predator maybe. Either…
The Immortality of Thought : Part Three
The woman stood up abruptly which caused the girl to open her eyes. The woman extended her hand. The girl reached out and took it. The two women walked hand in hand, out of the house onto the simple wood slatted porch. “Our thoughts are of the utmost importance.”, said the woman as she led…