“The Idols of Tribe have their foundation in human nature itself, and in the tribe or race of men. For it is a false assertion that the sense of man is the measure of things. On the contrary, all perceptions as well of the sense as of the mind are according to the measure of the universe. And the human understanding is like a false mirror, which, receiving rays irregularly, distorts and discolors the nature of things by mingling its own nature with it.” – Francis Bacon, Novum Oganum
We now know that the mere act of observing “things” changes them, as noted in the famous double slit experiment. No such thing as the cold, disconnected, and totally objective fantasy of science exists, especially on a quantum level. If everything we view is distorted and discolored, and mixed with our own nature by simply looking at it, then there is no pure form of nature, at least none that we can experience, on any level. If there is no pure form, only WE can be the measure of things based on our individual experiences. Perception IS reality. Isn’t it possible that the measure of the universe was built into the minds of humans, as we ourselves are built of the universe?
“Intentions create the reality that we experience.”- The Dancing Wu Li Masters (If you haven’t read this book…you should…quantum physics and metaphysics collide in the most interesting ways.)
Anyone who believes in the power of prayer, or has practiced magic should be shouting a collective, “Duh!” right now. Imagine, this was observation without intent, without the sheer force of will. Oh the possibilities…
I don’t hate science, though science may hate me. I’m thankful for the advances of science, as we should all be. However, the scientific mindset Mr. Bacon helped to establish, needs to shift or risk becoming hopelessly outdated.
The name of this blog “Idols Of The Tribe” should be seen as a jubilant middle finger held up in the face of “Sir” Francis Bacon. Not just because I disagree with his complete dismissal of the validity of the human experience, but also for his role in the 300 year long genocide of women during the witch trials.
S. Conde
I say, well said … have much enjoyed your blogs, and thank you. Will read more when settled back at home in Johannesburg South Africa after return from Crete, Greece’s largest island. You may care to check out my latest blog on Eve, on http://www.gardenofedenblog.com
Thank you. I have already checked it out, and will be checking back again and again. Click the Eat Art Daily link on my blogroll. He is from and lives in Crete. Funny how that magical island keeps popping up lately…